Roberto Guijarro is a very verstailyIn 2006 Roberto Guijarro played as soloist with the orchestra of Joaquín Turina in Madrid. Also as a soloist he later played with Mr. Charles Mathews conducting in El Escorial (Spain 2007) and with the Cordoba Conservatory Orchestra in Andalucía (Spain 2010). During 2010 and 2011 performed with the Camerata Capricho Español as a soloist and as accompanist. Meanwhile he played several solo recitals in music festivals around Spain like the “Ciclo de jóvenes intérpretes” 2009 and 2011, festival "San Hipólito" in 2009, 2010 and 2011 and the "Piano Festival Rafael Orozco".
In 2010 Roberto Guijarro won the honour prize in the Competition Karl Dreszler in Nüremberg.
In The Netherlands he has played in several piano music Marathons dedicated to Debussy, Spanish music and Faure's piano work. in De Doelen, Rotterdam Roberto Guijarro has performed with the Codarts Symphony Orchestra in the Grotte Zaal (2013). In 2014 with the same Orchestra he performed as a soloist in Middelburg and Rotterdam, De Doelen.
Roberto has been performing all over The Netherlands and Spain, including soloist with orchestras, solo recitals, chamber music, accompanying opera singers even silent movies like the Silent Movie Rotterdam Film Festival.
Among the next projects, it is important to point the movie "Unlost".
These shows also include performances for the Dutch radio “Radio 4”, the “RTV Rijnmond”, "90 fm" and also performances in the Spanish TV.
Nowadays Roberto is director of the Fuentelarreyna Conservatory in Madrid and combines these duties with the pianist career.
In 2010 Roberto Guijarro won the honour prize in the Competition Karl Dreszler in Nüremberg.
In The Netherlands he has played in several piano music Marathons dedicated to Debussy, Spanish music and Faure's piano work. in De Doelen, Rotterdam Roberto Guijarro has performed with the Codarts Symphony Orchestra in the Grotte Zaal (2013). In 2014 with the same Orchestra he performed as a soloist in Middelburg and Rotterdam, De Doelen.
Roberto has been performing all over The Netherlands and Spain, including soloist with orchestras, solo recitals, chamber music, accompanying opera singers even silent movies like the Silent Movie Rotterdam Film Festival.
Among the next projects, it is important to point the movie "Unlost".
These shows also include performances for the Dutch radio “Radio 4”, the “RTV Rijnmond”, "90 fm" and also performances in the Spanish TV.
Nowadays Roberto is director of the Fuentelarreyna Conservatory in Madrid and combines these duties with the pianist career.